Summer 2024

I’m avoiding the Globalist Games during my summer break because I learnt at a very early age that watching paint dry is a far more rewarding experience.

On a more positive note:

I’m hoping to enjoy the last of the summer wine as the madness of the Darwin Awards gathers momentum across The Empire of Chaos.

We are on the edge of World War III because Western nations are nearing default on national debts. They NEED war as a distraction.

The West has already declared war on Russia to try to prevent civil uprisings of a debt crisis of historic proportions. China sold $53 billion of US debt in the first quarter. They would be INSANE to buy any debt from any Western government at this stage.

We must be concerned about the 1st week of September both domestically as well as internationally.

World War III by 1st Week of September 2024?
Martin Armstrong – 2 June 2024

French President Emmanuel Macron is busy working behind the scenes on a controversial new initiative to assemble an army of troops from NATO countries to be sent to Ukraine.

For now, the plan is to send the Western soldiers in the capacity of trainers and military advisers for Ukraine’s armed forces, with the training likely to take place in the West of the war-ravaged country, or at least far from the front lines.

Macron Gathering European Coalition To Send Military Trainers To Ukraine
Zero Hedge – Tyler Durden – 03 June 2024

I hope readers in the Northern Hemisphere make the most of this summer.

I’m keeping my finger crossed that readers in the Southern Hemisphere will only have to worry about solar radiation when their summer arrives.

Take very good care of yourselves and enjoy [whenever possible].


Mad Dogs and Englishmen – 1932
Noel Coward with Ray Noble and his orchestra

In tropical climes there are certain times of day
When all the citizens retire to take their clothes off and perspire

It’s one of those rules that the greatest fools obey
Because the sun is far too sultry and one must avoid its ultra violet ray

The natives grieve when the white men leave their huts because they’re obviously, definitely nuts

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun
The Japanese don’t care to, the Chinese wouldn’t dare to
Hindus and Argentines sleep firmly from twelve to one, but Englishmen detest a siesta
In the Philippines they have lovely screens to protect you from the glare
In the Malay states there are hats like plates which the Britishers won’t wear
At twelve noon the natives swoon, and no further work is done, but mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun

It’s such a surprise for the eastern eyes to see, that though the English are effete
They’re quite impervious to heat when the white man rides every native hides in glee
Because the simple creatures hope he will impale his solar topee on a tree

It seems such a shame when the English claim the Earth
That they give rise to such hilarity and mirth

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,
Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo
He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he
Hm, hm, hm, hm, hm, hm

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun
The toughest Burmese bandit can never understand it
In Rangoon the heat of noon is just what the native shun
They put their Scotch or Rye down and lie down
In a jungle town where the sun beats down to the rage of man and beast
The English garb of the English sahib merely gets a bit more creased
In Bangkok at twelve o’clock they foam at the mouth and run
But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun

Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun
The smallest Malay rabbit deplores this foolish habit
In Hong Kong they strike a gong and fire off a noonday gun
To reprimand each inmate who’s in late
In the Mangrove swamps where the python romps
There is peace from twelve to two, even caribous
Lie around and snooze, for there’s nothing else to do.
In Bengal, to move at all is seldom if ever done.
But mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun!

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15 Responses to Summer 2024

  1. malagabay says:

    Alastair Crooke: How the West Must Change
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom – 3 June 2023

  2. malagabay says:

    Scott Ritter – On My Way to Russia I Met Big Brother
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom – 4 June 2024

    Scott Ritter: 31:02

    … we’re going to blow up the entire world because we know that in a post-nuclear environment we can’t allow, for instance, India to survive intact because we’re going to be reduced to 30% of our capacity. We can’t allow India to have a superior civilization in a post-nuclear conflict. We’re going to destroy the entire world. That’s what the American nuclear war plan is and the American people need to wake up and understand it’s on full automatic …

  3. malagabay says:

    Slovakia PM Robert Fico speaks for first time after being shot
    Duration: 14:05

  4. malagabay says:

    It’s Trump vs WWIII – Martin Armstrong – Greg Hunter – 8 June 2024

    Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says we are going to have a wild close to 2024.

    Let’s start with Biden’s new job approval rating from Martin Armstrong’s “Socrates” program, which is now only 6% to 7%.

    Armstrong explains, “It’s the old story of draining the swamp, but now, the swamp is an ocean. This is completely crazy. The cases against Trump show you how desperate they are here. The reason they want Biden, and they even blocked RFK Jr. from getting on the Democrat ticket, the reason they want him is he is just a sock puppet. He’s not really in charge. He’s not making any decisions.”

    Are the Deep State globalist Democrats panicking over the 6% to 7% Biden approval rating?

    Top people on both sides know this is an accurate number. With about four months to go before the 2024 Election, are they now panicking over these dismal approval numbers?

    Armstrong says, “Oh, yes, they are panicking. I have been in politics for more than 40 years. I know how it works. All of a sudden, you see in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, oh, Biden is slipping behind closed doors. That would not make the press unless they wanted it to. They are floating a ballon to see how it goes. All of a sudden, they want Biden to do a debate. Before, no debates. Why? Because they know he’s going to look bad. … At the Democrat Convention, they will draft someone else, and that is most likely going to be Hillary.”

    The economy and war are linked in a big way, according to Armstrong, and he explains, “You’ve got about $10 trillion of US debt that is maturing this year. … You’ve got Secretary of State Blinken threatening China with war. China dumped $53 billion in US debt in the first quarter of 2024. That means China are sellers and not buyers. You had Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen flying to China asking, ‘Please don’t sell.’ It didn’t work. This is why they are talking about raising the capital gains to 44%. Why? If nobody is going to buy the debt, that’s when default comes. If you cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old debt, guess what? It’s done. This is how governments fall, and I have been warning them for decades that this is how it’s going to end. … This is why they need war. This is why Europe is going into war. … If you cannot sell the new debt, you have to default. If you have war, and that is what is really behind this, if you go into war, they get to default and blame Putin. … In November, it’s going to be Trump vs World War III regardless who is on the other side. If you get Hillary or you get Biden, it’s the same thing. Hillary is a neocon, and Biden says yes to whatever the neocons want.”

    And the neocons clearly want war – a big one.

    Show Notes and Comments

  5. malagabay says:

    A Storm Is Coming – Neil Oliver – 7 June 2024

  6. malagabay says:

    Globalist Hysteria for Far-Right Surge in Democratic Elections
    Create a Crisis – Blame Far-Right
    Emil Cosman – 11 June 2024

  7. Patrick Donnelly says:

    Thinning the herd makes sense. Damaging assets with nukes does not. Never did. With the polarity reversal due in two+ decades, then why have WWIII now?

    Take the entire world instead, with the military saved from the catastophes to come … Fewer attacks needed, fewer journalists to make records of what happened. The ISRaeL genocide will persist for hundreds of years and destroy all the stored credit for the ‘holocausts’ of the past. Occupy and unify the NWO, with lots of food and genuine medicines with hotshots for those who demur …

    They are turning up the heat, but there is still no panic .. they are continually running tests.

    The Rich are still extracting value from the debris of the ‘economies’ of the world. They determine the timings.

    Interesting times …

  8. malagabay says:

    Are You Getting a Brexit-Like Feeling?
    Rich Baris – People’s Pundit – Inside The Numbers Ep. 492

    3:49 Rich Baris
    This weekend you had a perfect, perfect example of the ruling class.
    The hypocrisy of the ruling class.
    When the ruling class loses then it’s not a real loss. Okay? It’s illegitimate.
    When the ruling class loses we don’t participate in inaugurations.
    When the ruling class loses we don’t keep things like Parliament.
    When the ruling class loses they take their ball and go home.
    And they don’t care if they ruin the entire game in the process because that’s who these kids are.
    You know who they are.
    You know they’re grown-ups now but they’re still kids at heart.

  9. malagabay says:

    The Duran with Kevork Almassian – 13 June 2024

  10. malagabay says:

    Pepe Escobar – Russia Readies War With NATO
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom – 13 June 2024

    Judge Napolitano:
    Is Russia preparing for a European war against NATO?
    Pepe Escobar:
    Yes. ... Their strategy is essentially defensive.
  11. malagabay says:

    Britain will be ‘at war’ within six months of a Labour election win, George Galloway claimed today as he launched his far-Left party’s ‘beautiful’ election manifesto.

    The Workers Party leader, a former Russia Today presenter, lashed out at Labour as he launched the 34-page document that promised to end UK military support for Ukraine, and hold a referendum on Nato membership.

    It includes chapters on redistribution, democratic reform and Palestine and referenced K-Pop and ‘creeping buro-fascism’, and pledges to reduce the mandatory retirement age to 60.

    The veteran politician spoke at the launch event at a hotel in Manchester, just a few miles south from Rochdale, where he became the town’s MP in February, following a by-election triggered by the death of Labour incumbent Tony Lloyd.

    Accompanied by his fourth wife, Putri Gayatri Pertiwi, the father-of-six adopted Tory language when he urged voters not to hand Labour – his former party – a ‘supermajority’ on July 4.

    ‘We are potentially headed to Armageddon and if we don’t get out of this death spiral, then none of this will have been worth arguing over at all,’ he said.

    ‘If Keir Starmer becomes the Prime Minister, within six months, Britain will be at war. I mean an actual war with British troops deployed.’

    George Galloway claims Britain will be ‘at war’ within six months of a Keir Starmer election win as he warns of ‘Armageddon’ triggered by the West at launch of Workers party manifesto that vows to abandon Ukraine and Nato
    Mailonline – David Wilcock – 19 June 2024

  12. malagabay says:

    Nigel Farage – West Provoked Russias Invasion of Ukraine
    The Independent – 21 June 2024

    00:27 Nigel Farage:

    I stood up in the European Parliament in 2014 and I said and I quote there will be a war in Ukraine.

    Why did I say that?

    It was obvious to me that the ever eastward expansion of NATO and the European Union was giving this man [Vladimir Putin] a reason to his Russian people to say they’re coming for us again …


    Longer version with good sound.

    BBC Nick Robinson interviews Nigel Farage

    BBC’s resident Labour Party supporter Nick Robinson tries some gotcha questions at Nigel Farage, and it doesn’t work.

    Recorded from BBC1 London HD, Panorama Interviews, 21 June 2024.

  13. malagabay says:

    Ukraine v Russia – Farage Warned EU In 2014 Not To Provoke Russia

    0:06 Nigel Farage:

    Amongst the long lists of foreign policy failures and contradictions in the last few years including of course the bombing of Libya, the desire to arm the rebels in Syria has been the unnecessary provocation of Vladimir Putin.

    This EU empire ever seeking to expand stated its territorial claim on the Ukraine some years ago.

    Just to make that worse of course some NATO members said they too would like the Ukraine to join NATO.

    We directly encouraged the uprising in the Ukraine that led to the toppling the president [Viktor] Yanukovych and that led of course in turn to Vladimir Putin reacting.

    And the moral of the story is:

    If you poke the Russian bear with a stick don’t be surprised when he reacts.

  14. malagabay says:

    Nigel Farage – The West’s Errors in Ukraine Have Been Catastrophic

    There is no easy solution to the war.

    But facing up to the truth about the causes and consequences must be a start.

    That is why I simply want to tell it as it is, and have done for a decade.

    Those slanderers who claim that telling the truth makes me a “mouthpiece for Putin” only reveal the weakness of their own case.

    There is an issue of British democracy here, too.

    The escalation of British support for the war in Ukraine has not even been an issue in this election campaign, since the old parties all agree with it.

    Am I, as the leader of Reform UK, a party that is now running second in major polls, not even allowed to question this political conformism?

    What real democratic choice could there be, if we are all expected to say the same thing and libelled if we refuse to do so?

    At election time, more than ever, free speech remains the lifeblood of our democracy.

    My question for voters is this.

    Who would you trust most to shape the future of UK foreign policy?

    Me, who saw the disastrous wars in Ukraine and elsewhere coming down the line and repeatedly warned against them?

    Or the establishment parties who helped to make them happen?

    The West’s errors in Ukraine have been catastrophic. I won’t apologise for telling the truth
    Until we admit what we got wrong, we will never have a lasting peace
    The Telegraph – Nigel Farage – 22 June 2024 • 3:44pm

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