As Above So Below – Georgi Gladyshev

As Below So Above - Georgi Gladyshev

The pioneering cosmology of Georgi Gladyshev [originally published in 1977] embodies the concept of As Above, So Below by explicitly stating that “Liesegang’s theory of periodic condensation can be used to explain the empirical Titius-Bode rule of planetary distances”.

Physicochemical processes taking place in space are characterized by a number of specific features that distinguish them from conditions in the terrestrial atmosphere.

They are generally effected in ultrahigh vacuum at extremal temperatures in ultrastrong or ultraweak fields (electrical, magnetic, or gravitational).

The range of problems pertaining to the chemical evolution of matter in space is extremely broad, and it is impossible to discuss more than a small portion of them in a single paper.

The present article is devoted to individual aspects of the course of chemical processes under the extremal conditions that might have obtained during formation of the Solar System and other planetary systems.

Particular attention will be given to problems of the spatially periodic condensation of matter under the conditions of the protosolar system, which bad not previously been taken into account by evolutionary theories.

We will follow the published general schema of the processes involved and consider the stages in the evolution of the Solar System.

The first stage was the development of the Protosun, which was formed as a result of accretion from the original Solar System cloud; the second was disposition of the gas and dust forming the atmosphere in the vicinity of the magnetized central body, the third was transfer of momentum from the Protosun to the surrounding atmosphere, so that the gas and dust particles began to move in Keplerian orbits relative to the Sun.

The decisive role during these stages was played by magnetohydrodynamic effects, since the gas falling toward the sun was quite rarified and constituted a plasma.

As the matter became concentrated around the Sun, the density of the cloud increased and the influence of magnetohydrodynamic effects diminished.

When the protocloud coalesced and became a disk, these effects became small.

The stages described above were completed relatively rapidly, within 107-108 years.

According to the theory elaborated in [7-13], there then ensued a protracted fourth evolutionary stage, formation of the primary Solar System rings, which ended relatively recently.

It was associated with diffusion (mass transfer) of the solar material to the evolving disk, in which spatially periodic condensation of material from the supersaturated state took place to form rings of condensed matter (the latter subsequently accumulated into the planets as system development progressed).

It was shown in these studies that the matter concentration in the protoclouds could have remained quite high for some time, so that the role of the magnetohydrodynamic effects discussed in monograph [1] would not have been as substantial in the stage under consideration.

The decisive role was apparently played by diffusion of material from the central bodies into the corresponding protoclouds and chemical reactions leading to condensation from the supersaturated state.

Liesegang’s theory of periodic condensation can be used to explain the empirical Titius-Bode rule of planetary distances, according to which the distance of the n-th planet from the Sun (r n) satisfies the relation [4]:

Planetary Parameters

Thermodynamics and Macrokinetics of Natural Hierarchic Processes, 1988 – G.P.Gladyshev

The conceptual strength of Georgi Gladyshev’s cosmology is its explicit acknowledgment that there are many physical processes that contribute to the formation of cosmological objects and systems.

This conceptual approach revolutionises the moribund mainstream mantra that simplistically invokes Newtonian gravity as the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.

In the radio series and the first novel, a group of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings demand to learn the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything from the supercomputer, Deep Thought, specially built for this purpose.

It takes Deep Thought 7½ million years to compute and check the answer, which turns out to be 42.

Deep Thought points out that the answer seems meaningless because the beings who instructed it never actually knew what the Question was.

The downside to understanding Georgi Gladyshev’s cosmology is [real world] complexity.

The complexity starts [on Earth] with the poorly understood Liesegang Rings.

Liesegang Rings are observed in chemical systems undergoing a precipitation reaction.

Liesegang Rings are a phenomenon seen in many, if not most, chemical systems undergoing a precipitation reaction, under certain conditions of concentration and in the absence of convection.


Although Liesegang Rings are usually demonstrated using a gelling agent [such as gelatine] they also occur in solid and gaseous chemical systems.

Liesegang Rings: 1 – The Liesegang Phenomenon

However, the Liesegang Phenomenon [very intriguingly] produces more than just normal banding.

Inverse [or Revert] Banding where the spacing decreases between bands
Irregular and Rhythmic Banding
Double Banding where there are two banding periodicities in the same system
Spirals and Helices
Cardioid Patterns
Target Patterns
Cabbage Patterns
Propagating Fronts
Polygonal Patterns

Liesegang Rings: 2 – Spirals, Helices and Polygons

The Liesegang Phenomenon has been studied for over a 100 years and academia has generated a plethora of theories that attempt to explain the underlying science.

Ultimately, no single theory has managed to explain all forms of the Liesegang Phenomenon and many scientists believe that periodic precipitation is not the result of a single effect.
Firstly, it has been observed that “Liesegang bands will appear after the gel has been exposed to sunlight”.

Secondly, there is evidence that suggests Liesegang Ring patterns can be regulated by an electric current so that information can be encoded into the precipitation pattern.

Liesegang Rings: 3 – Theory and Practice

Although the Liesegang Phenomena has fallen out of favour with many biologists there is evidence to suggest that their judgement is premature because “a vast number of organic reactions might proceed in gel media” if researcher actually experimented with organic reactants.

Liesegang Rings: 4 – Biology

However, by reviewing the established Optimal Conditions for Liesegang Rings it is possible to perform a basic reality check as an aid to understanding the cosmology of Georgi Gladyshev.


Liesegang Rings: 5 – Geological Quicksand

The initial “accretion from the original Solar System cloud” defined by Georgi Gladyshev is most likely formed by the aggregation of charged particles via “like-likes-like attraction”.


Perhaps the least obvious principle is the like-likes-like attraction.

The idea that like charges can attract one another seems counterintuitive until you recognize that it requires no violation of physical principles.

The like charges themselves don’t attract; the attraction is mediated by the unlike charges that gather in between.

Those unlikes draw the like charges towards one another, until like-like repulsion balances the attraction.

Many physicists presume that like-like attraction cannot exist in spite of acceptance by some well-known physicists, including Richard Feynman.

Richard Feynman coined the phrase “like-likes-like through an intermediate of unlikes.”

He understood that such attraction might be fundamental to physics and chemistry.

Nevertheless, the majority of scientists reflexively presume that like charges must always repel.

Hardly a fleeting thought is accorded the prospect that those like charges might actually attract if unlike charges lie in between.

The Fourth Phase of Water – 2013 – Gerald H. Pollack

Interstellar cloud


Beyond the heliosphere is the interstellar medium, consisting of various clouds of gases.

Therefore, the “accumulation of gas, plasma and dust” into an interstellar plasma cloud provides a [semi-permeable] closed system within which Liesegang Rings can develop.

Plasma is loosely described as an electrically neutral medium of positive and negative particles (i.e. the overall charge of a plasma is roughly zero).

It is important to note that although they are unbound, these particles are not ‘free’.

When the charges move they generate electrical currents with magnetic fields, and as a result, they are affected by each other’s fields.

This governs their collective behavior with many degrees of freedom.

One surprising implication of Georgi Gladyshev’s cosmology is that the plasma cloud provides an environment that is analogous to the reactant gel typically used in laboratory experiments designed to form Liesegang Rings.

However, this is not a major surprise because there is no “agreed-upon” definition of a gel and it is known that the formation of Liesegang Rings is affected by starlight and electricity.

What exactly is a gel?

You may be surprised to learn that an agreed-upon definition is lacking.

It is much like the U.S. Supreme Court’s definition of pornography – it’s hard to define but you know when you see it.

Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life – 2001 – Gerald H Pollack

+ + + + +

Firstly, it has been observed that “Liesegang bands will appear after the gel has been exposed to sunlight”.

Secondly, there is evidence that suggests Liesegang Ring patterns can be regulated by an electric current so that information can be encoded into the precipitation pattern.

Liesegang Rings: 3 – Theory and Practice

The third condition required for the formation of Liesegang Rings is easily met because “in microgravity or zero gravity environment, such as in orbit, natural convection no longer occurs”.

Flames in microgravity

Finally, the dust and charged particles within [and surrounding] the interstellar plasma cloud provide an ample reservoir of secondary reactant “seed” particles to initiate the formation of Liesegang Rings.

Overall, the cosmology of Georgi Gladyshev passes a basic reality check with great ease.

In fact, none of Georgi Gladyshev’s cosmology should really come as a surprise because the Solar System contains several planets with rings systems which clearly morph into orbiting moons systems that increase in size with distance from the centre – just like Liesegang Rings.


Did Solar System’s Planets Have Rings Before Moons?

Enormous rings may have graced many of the planets in the early solar system, giving rise to the moons that circle them today, scientists say.

A new computer model suggests that the natural satellites of planets in our solar system may have formed from rings of matter, rather than from the clouds of gas currently thought to have created them.

One of the problems with this model, however, is the location and lineup of the moons.

In most actual cases, the satellites grow larger the farther they are from their parent planet, and the moons are farther away than can be accounted for.

the satellite systems of the four giant planets

Sketch of the satellite systems of the four giant planets.
The sizes and distances of the satellites are proportionnal to the logarithm of their masses and distance to the planet’s center, respectively.
An accumulation of small bodies appears just outside the Roche limit, and the increase of mass with the distance to the Roche limit is clearly visible for Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

This suggests that these satellites formed from the spreading of ancient massive rings beyond the planet’s Roche limit.

Credit: Frederic Durillon/animea

However, the conceptual beauty of Georgi Gladyshev’s cosmology is critically compromised by our general lack of understanding of the Liesegang phenomena and [more specifically] the Spacing Law that governs the formation of Liesegang Rings.

Liesegang Laws

Influencing pattern formation and localization through disorder – 2009 – Lukas Jahnke

Perhaps, in the longer term, it may be possible to develop a synthesis cosmology based upon the intriguing ideas of Georgi Gladyshev, Timo Niroma, Johannes Kepler and Robert James Moon.

As Above So Below - Timo Niroma

Phi in the Sky - As Above So Below

Anyone interested in the works of Georgi Gladyshev may find the following links of interest:

The WordPress blog of Georgi Gladyshev

Some problems in chemical evolution of matter in space

Physical Chemistry of Evolution of Planetary Systems

This entry was posted in As Above So Below, Astrophysics, Gerald Pollack, Johannes Kepler, Liesegang Rings, Solar System. Bookmark the permalink.

57 Responses to As Above So Below – Georgi Gladyshev

  1. ggladyshev says:

    Nearby star is a good model of our early solar system
    Scientists have confirmed a nearby star’s planetary system contains separate belts of asteroids, similar to our own solar system. The star is also about one-fifth the age of our sun.
    All that makes this star a good model of the early days of our solar system.

  2. ggladyshev says:

    Dr. Ágnes Kóspál and her colleagues published a very interesting article in Astrophysical Journal:
    «Flow of material observed for the first time around a young eruptive star»
    According to the physical-chemical model of the formation of planetary systems, after a relatively short (in the cosmic scale) period of time, the star will start emit matter into the young disc. Rings of solid matter should be formed as a result of spatially-periodic condensation.

  3. Very important results are presented in the article “Is the Young Star RZ Piscium Consuming Its Own (Planetary) Offspring?”. The authors of the work note that the interpretation of their results is ambiguous. I believe that these results can be explained from the position of the physical-chemical theory of the formation of planetary systems. Perhaps it was possible to observe the formation of large objects from the substance of rings, which were formed as a result of spatially periodic condensation. The image shown in the figure does not contradict this assumption.

  4. Patrick Donnelly says:

    Traditional and obscurantist: ‘gravity’ is said to depend upon mass.

    Galileo and others suffered for proving this wrong. Two same sized balls dropped from the Tower of Pisa fell at the same rate. Different weights. Ooops! Newton a liar in one page, but he also suggested that ather was universal pressure and therefore two objects block this, meaning they approach one another.

    This has implications more than impugning the lamestream BS about weight of planets asteroids etc. It means a man will weigh maybe 90% or more of his Earth weight on the Moon. Maybe only 110% on Jupiter. It also explains why the rate of change of the force is squared and not cubed. IT is an area based phenomenon, not one based on content.

  5. Patrick Donnelly says:

    Planets are hollow. Plasma inside condenses over time. Crystals form. ?moons?

    A case that violates the postulate ‘as above, so below’!

  6. Patrick Donnelly says:

    Plasma eagerly forms spheres around objects at any scale. Standing waves arrive. The star photospheres are far more energetic than those on planets. They form planets inside the spherical pinch/double layers. When the polarity of the entire filament, not the photosphere, changes, the pinches collapse for days. A Nova. Star gets bluer, smaller and hotter. Planets move orbits outwards. Earth was warmer, when it was in 1st orbit around an orange Sun. Then Venus was born. Lucifer was expelled from Heaven.

  7. malagabay says:

    “A case that violates the postulate ‘as above, so below’!”

    Maybe it’s Hollow Turtle Shells all the way up/down 🙂

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