The Heinsohn Horizon and The Migration Period

Gunnar Heinsohn very politely points out the 700 years between the 230s and 930s AD “have neither strata nor tree samples”.

Therefore, some 700 years of the 1st millennium (230 to 930s) have neither strata nor tree samples for C14 or dendro-chronological dating.

Archaeological Strata Versus Baillie’s Tree-Rings: Proposal for an Experiment
Gunnar Heinsohn – 8 Sept 2014

Click to access gunnar-strata-vsbaillie08-09-2014.pdf

In blunter terms this implies mainstream History Textbooks contain 700 years of false, fictional and fabricated narratives between the 230s and 930s AD.

For Chronologists [who should, by definition, work backwards in time from the present] the implications of these 700 fictional years are significant.

700 phantom years imply the historical chain of evidence is broken in the 930s AD and [by definition] the years before 930 form a suspect and detached floating chronology.

If you search for these 700 fictional years by flicking through a History Textbook it soon becomes apparent the Migration Period is the prime fictional narrative suspect.

Back in 2005 the Migration Period was defined as the 600 years between 300 and 900 AD.

The German term Völkerwanderung (“the migration of peoples”), is used in historiography as an alternate label for the “Migrations Period“, of Germanic, Slavic and other tribes on the European continent during the period AD 300–900.

Some of the Migration Period narratives are repackaged storylines from German History that were documented during the era of the Holy Roman Empire.

The Holy Roman Empire was a multi-ethnic complex of territories in central Europe that developed during the Early Middle Ages and continued until its dissolution in 1806.

The largest territory of the empire after 962 was the Kingdom of Germany

In a decree following the 1512 Diet of Cologne, the name was changed to Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, a form first used in a document in 1474.

The original [and generally rambling] German History storylines aren’t very illuminating.

Origin of the Germans. Defcription of Germany

The farther northward we move from ancient Gaul the more we are in the dark about the nations that inhabited the vaft regions beyond the Rhine and the Danube, which were the limits between the Gauls and them.

Nothing is more uncertain than their origin, the countries they came from, and the territories they fettled themfelves in : ancient authors in general confound them under the names of Celtes, Scythians, and Celtofcythians ; comprehending a great variety of nations, which it is no eafy tafk to diftinguifh with propriety.

Universal History from The Earliest Accounts to The Present Time – Vol 17 – 1780

In the 19th century German historians [selectively] repackaged these storylines into a more coherent Migration Period narrative that emphasised the “vigorous and manly” Germanic culture.

German historians in the 19th century used the term Völkerwanderung to describe the migrations of the Goths, Vandals, Franks and other Germanic tribes triggered by the incursions of the Huns.

They saw these migrations as a contributing factor leading to the break-up of the Roman Empire, in which they attributed moral factors, contrasting vigorous and manly Germanic kultur with a decadent and slothful civilizazion.

The repackaged “vigorous and manly” storylines place Germanic people in positions of power across Western Europe between 300 and 500 AD.

The first phase, between AD300 and 500, largely seen from the Mediterranean perspective, saw the movement of Germanic and other tribes and resulted in putting Germanic peoples in control of most areas of the former Western Roman Empire.

The second phase, between AD 500 and 900, saw Slavic, Turkish and other tribes on the move, re-settling in Eastern Europe and gradually making it predominantly Slavic, and affecting Anatolia and the Caucasus as the first Turkic peoples arrived. See also: Avars, Huns, Arabs, Varangians.

The last phase of the migrations saw the coming of the Magyars to Pannonia and the expansion of the Vikings out of Scandinavia,

By 2017 the Migration Period had itself migrated to “AD 21–700” with the primary narrative focus placed upon vigorous and manly “war bands”, between 10,000 and 20,000 strong, fighting [and foraging] their way around Europe and the Mediterranean.

The migrants comprised war bands or tribes of 10,000 to 20,000 people, but in the course of 100 years, they numbered not more than 750,000 in total, compared to an average 39.9 million population of the Roman Empire at that time.

The first migrations of peoples were made by Germanic tribes such as the Goths (including the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths), the Vandals, the Anglo-Saxons, the Lombards, the Suebi, the Frisii, the Jutes, the Burgundians, the Alamanni, the Scirii and Franks; they were later pushed westwards by the Huns, the Avars, the Slavs and the Bulgars.

However, it appears the Germanic migrations started in 113 BC when 300,000 vigorous and manly Proto-Germans enjoyed a European Grand Tour before being annihilated by the Romans.

Casualties and losses 300,000 Both tribes annihalated

The Cimbrian War (113-101 BC) was fought between the Roman Republic and the Proto-Germanic tribes of the Cimbri and the Teutons (Teutones), who migrated from northern Europe into Roman controlled territory, and clashed with Rome and her allies.

At the other end of the Migration Period spectrum are the very vigorous Vikings.

The 273 years long Viking Age raiding narrative eerily echoes the 275 year long Sea Peoples raiding narrative [from 2,000 years earlier] and, more curiously, the Vikings were sailing the seas in ships designed 2,000 years earlier.


The Viking Age is the period A.D. 793–1066 in European history, especially Northern European and Scandinavian history, following the Germanic Iron Age.

In this period, the Norsemen settled in Norse Greenland, Newfoundland, and present-day Faroe Islands, Iceland, Normandy, Scotland, England, Ukraine, Ireland, Russia, Germany, and Anatolia.

The Sea Peoples were conjectured groups of seafaring raiders, usually thought to originate from either western Anatolia or southern Europe, specifically a region of the Aegean Sea.

They are conjectured to have sailed around the eastern Mediterranean and invaded Anatolia, Syria, Canaan, Cyprus, and Egypt toward the end of the Bronze Age.

To round off the Migration Period the Holy Roman Empire historians documented the remarkable Magyar Invasion narrative that resulted in the establishment of a “new political order” centred upon [surprisingly enough] the Holy Roman Empire.

The Hungarian invasions of Europe took place in the 9th and 10th centuries, the period of transition in the history of Europe between the early and high medieval period, when the territory of the former Carolingian Empire was threatened by invasion from multiple hostile forces, the Magyars (Hungarians) from the east, the Norsemen from the north and the Arabs from the south.

The westward raids were stopped only with the Magyar defeat of the Battle of Lechfeld of 955, which led to a new political order in Western Europe centered on the Holy Roman Empire.

Overall, the Academic Abyss is filled with a remarkable succession of vigorous and manly warriors fighting their way across Europe as they attempt to win The Great Sack Race.

Sack of Rome may refer to:
Battle of the Allia (390 or 387/6 BC), by the Gauls under Brennus
Sack of Rome (410), by the Visigoths under Alaric
Sack of Rome (455), by the Vandals under Geiseric
Sack of Rome (546), by the Ostrogoths under Totila
Sack of Rome (1084), by the Normans under Robert Guiscard


Meanwhile, the mainstream just ignores the 1st millennium Landmass Migration narrative.

Either way, the phantom years appear to cover a period of between 1,000 and 2,000 years.

Attempting to align this suspect and detached floating chronology based upon unearthed artefacts and architecture is problematical.

An undisturbed stratigraphy [at best] only provides a sequentially correct guide to events.

It does not provide a serially correct annual chronology for dating purposes.

Regardless of the alignment of this floating chronology there is no reason to believe that it’s associated narrative [ending in the 230s AD] isn’t just as false, fictional and fabricated as the 700 years already chopped from the chronology.

After all: Why stop in the hundreds when there are so many marvellously malleable millennia to mess with?

This entry was posted in Arabian Horizon, Catastrophism, Geology, Greenland, Heinsohn Horizon, History, Leona Libby Chronology, Roman Chronology. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to The Heinsohn Horizon and The Migration Period

  1. Louis Hissink says:

    During this time the Julian calendar was in use – pertinent that it had to be introduced because the previous one was not working, which means at least that the planetary configuration changed. Looking at the geomagnetic field reversal record, from the present to the KT event. the field appears to have reversed most rapidly, like a stuttering machine gun from a previous quiet period. Before that it seemed stable until an earlier reversal at the Jurassic which is the “chronology’ of the ocean basins according to the PT scripture.

    I’m leaning to Briden and Gass’s threefold partition of radiometric ages as quoted in Carey’s Expanding Earth book, where there seemed to be one prolonged cataclysmically, globally violent period after the KT events that has since been waning punctuated with some more violent periods such as Middle Ice Age, Maunder period.

    Could it be that most of ancient history is simply BS fabricated by brain-damaged pyschopaths who survived the Bronze Age catastrophes and their successors inherited the biological traumas in a Lamarckian sense to this day?

  2. Louis Hissink says:

    There’s another interesting issue – where did all these different peoples come from biologically? Darwinist scripture can’t explain it since it requires millions of years. I’m tempted to propose that many of the maniacal tribes might have been the result of incest, but that’s carrying it a bit too far. But the problem doesn’t disappear if politeness dominates.

  3. malagabay says:

    Hold onto those thoughts and [more importantly] that mode of thinking.

    There is so much that is unexplained.

    The calendar changes definitely imply “the planetary configuration changed”.

    While the Landmass Migration suggests a change in axial tilt.

    Together, they imply a catastrophic reshuffling of the pack with a significantly reduced habitable zone i.e. Antarctica and Greenland are now iced over.

    It’s even possible there was a double shuffle separated by [roughly] 300 years.

    Arguably, the trauma of this reshuffling of the pack is reflected in the rapid expansion of New World religions after the Arabian Horizon.

    Either way, the question still remains:
    “where did all these different peoples come from”?

    One possibility is that some Fake History narratives [like their Fake News counterparts] are polar opposites of the truth.

    For example:

    Geologically, it looks possible there was a triple-point landmass division that split off Greenland from the Americas and uplifted the strangely shaped Norwegian peninsula – with Iceland stranded on the triple-point.

    In this scenario:

    a) Some Vikings migrated Eastwards as Norway collided with Europe.
    b) Some Vikings perished as Greenland pivoted away towards the North West.
    c) Some Vikings were left stranded on Iceland.
    d) Some Vikings died out in America.

    Just a possibility…

  4. Louis Hissink says:

    It takes about 400 years for a language to change so that number would need to kept in mind when sequencing “events”.

    I’m looking at Jan Lamprecht’s ideas again – but too early to comment as I’m still bogged down in the electron-proton-neutron-photon mess. Edwin Kaal’s work is interesting.

  5. melitamegalithic says:

    An interesting thread here, but don’t really agree with contents. You also had me go back to my references to refresh.

    I would not put any bets on Heinsohn, and not only because accountants and engineers don’t mix. That’s a weird view of things on his part, from my point of view.

    In the sector of the globe that interests me most, the first millennium ce is all accounted for. There is a gap that is blank -but not missing- from 445 to 535ce. The rest is known, though not in the detail that one would wish. Interestingly Justinian annexed Sicily in 535ce. The events around 535 apparently reduced europe’s ability to oppose him.

    Re LH “which means at least that the planetary configuration changed” and MB “The calendar changes definitely imply “the planetary configuration changed”. and “While the Landmass Migration suggests a change in axial tilt.”, there are records of axial tilt which show that nothing of the sort occurred since definitely 1100bce (records of measurements, see Dodwell). Calendar changes were for other reasons, cultic, and unholy in substance. Here something else helps. The zodiac is an early agrarian calendar, abused and obfuscated no end, but allowing for precession it remained the same and correct for the past 6000yrs. (Here note the zodiac calendar followed the stars for the early millennia [bootes the reaper is followed by virgo the harvesting of the virgin grain, followed by the plough in preparation for the next sowing – its all there], up until Ptolemy perverted all, then got stuck as the perverted ‘tropical zodiac’ which follows the seasons but not the stars).

    Still this thread raised many interesting subjects on Europe at its darkest. A time of ruthless eradication of people’s roots.

  6. Leiden Factor V is a blood clotting disorder. I have it twice. My forebears are from the centre of Ireland, yet the 15% likelihood of a parent having it is prevalent in Scandinavia, Sicily, Lebanon. All places where Viking/Normans settled/sacked. Strongbow.

    What does this mean for Islam? Friday worship=Venus. 600AD to conquer India and Indonesia within centuries?

    Hebrew calendars use moon periods. That seems complete? There are many routes that offer corroboration/doubt on the theory of missing centuries?


  7. calgacus says:

    People that talk about precession, usually make the connection between the constellation Taurus and the symbolism of various old religions. The age of Taurus is supposed to be in the range 4000BC to 2000BC. But Mithraism was practiced until 4th century AD according to the standard chronology. Mithraism of course has a strong connection to the Bull and the constellation Taurus. Maybe the reference to the Constellation Taurus is related to the Taurids meteor shower. They are also called Halloween fireballs. Halloween is of course connected to death. Maybe there was a great catastrophe involving the Taurids and the comet Encke. Right now I believe that there were at least 2 great catastrophes. Even the period around the Death Plague can be connected to celestial events (that don’t involve comet impacts).

  8. melitamegalithic says:

    calgacus raises a particular point to which I make a quick reference here.

    Quote “Halloween is of course connected to death.” The connection is agrarian and very old. In Greek mythology Demeter’s daughter has to return to the underworld. Demeter, the corn/grain in metaphor, has a daughter, Kore the virgin seed, that must be sown. Around November Kore must return to the underworld, the soil, if there is to be a fresh harvest. The Greek version is a garbled version of a more ancient one, where in Mesopotamian lore, Damu (the babe Dumuzi) is released from the underworld subject to his sister -the seed- remains there instead of him. Damu represents the vigour of the grain that sprouts around the winter solstice (a later Tammuz, Adonis, dionysos; and also capricorn). The sign when this occurs is when the pomegranate fruit bursts and splits, showing the red fruit inside. That happens after the first autumn rains, when there is enough moisture in the earlier parched soil to support grain growth.

    In ancient times the three persons appeared together as mother, virgin daughter and young son, the son being born in a wicker winnowing basket. Later they are Demeter, Kore and Dionysos/Triptolemos/etc.

    Long story but plenty of evidence. Look here:

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  13. Pingback: Three Flavours of 700 Year Old Fudge | MalagaBay

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