Category Archives: Sand

Hats Off for Juerg Beer

Hats Off for Juerg Beer and his very revealing 10Be ice core chronology.

Posted in Astrophysics, Atmospheric Science, Atomic Comet, British History, Catastrophism, Comets, Cosmic Ray Blues, Cosmic Rays, Dendrochronology, Earth, Edwin Johnson, Geology, Geomagnetism, Glaciology, Greenland, Greenland Snow Job, History, Inflating Earth, Magnetism, Maunder Minimum, Moon, Ptolemy’s Paradigm, Sand, Science, Solar System, TSI, Uniformitarianism | 2 Comments

Louis Hissink: An Origin for Quartz Sand

This gallery contains 7 photos.

One of the more puzzling geological problems is explaining the origin of quartz sand and its solidified product, sandstone. Mainstream understanding of the problem is hampered by the belief that most sedimentary deposition occurs in aqueous environments: creeks, rivers, lakes, … Continue reading

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Louis Hissink – Sand Dunes

This gallery contains 6 photos.

One of life’s mysteries is how, occasionally, movie producers manage to get the narrative in the right ballpark. A recent movie “The Martian” depicts a marooned astronaut, acted by Matt Damon, left for dead on Mars and the subsequent story … Continue reading

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Gary Gilligan: Extraterrestrial Sands

This gallery contains 10 photos.

Gary Gilligan confronts facts the mainstream prefers to ignore and asks questions the mainstream really don’t want to answer. In 2007 he asked: Why did the Egyptians depict the Sun as a red disk? It matters little where Re’s symbol … Continue reading

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