Covid Christmas 2020

2020 has been every eugenicist’s wet dream.

They’ve had plenty of excess deaths to savour in England and Wales.

Malaga Bay – Lockdown Lunacy

Lockdown Lunacy

They can now look forward to somewhere between 300,000 and 500,000 fewer births in the United States during 2021.

In June of 2020, three months after the COVID pandemic began in earnest in the United States, we wrote a report suggesting that the public health crisis and associated recession would result in 300,000 to 500,000 fewer births in 2021.

Based on our previous methodology and a labor market that improved somewhat more quickly than we anticipated, we place more emphasis on the lower range of our original estimate, likely closer to 300,000 fewer births. However, additional factors that we did not incorporate into our model – in particular, ongoing school and day care closures – might very well mean a larger reduction in births than that.

The coming COVID-19 baby bust: Update
Melissa S. Kearney and Phillip B. Levine Thursday
Brookings – 17 Dec 2020

On a lighter note:

Will the supermarkets now prioritise placing rubber gloves, surgical masks, plastic raincoats, and galoshes next to the condoms?

That would really flatten the hump.

Malaga Bay – Flattening The Economy

Take care and enjoy The Twelve Days of Covid Christmas.

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16 Responses to Covid Christmas 2020

  1. Patrick Donnelly says:

    The attenuated SARS strain was not meant to erase the slaves. That may have to come later on, if the Revolts get out of hand.

    Just to get rid of those hyper rich who are only rich on paper, that will soon be worthless. A little bit of internecine strife among the old families …. with collateral damage amongst the peasants, as usual.

    With a bit of luck the new slave owners will be kinder than the old ones and smarter and more ruthless. Kindness and ruthlessness go together: kill cleanly if needed.

  2. malagabay says:

    “With a bit of luck the new slave owners will be kinder”

    I have my doubts on that point.

    Especially as they particularly enjoy needling the population.

    If deterrent punishments are used at all in the code of the future, the deterrent will neither be death, nor mutilation of the body, nor mutilation of the life by imprisonment, nor any horrible things like that, but good, scientifically caused pain, that will leave nothing but a memory.

    Anticipations – Herbert George Wells – 1902

    Overall, the evidence suggests Bertie the Flipping Fabian believed the ends justify the means and that he would willingly turn his hand in any direction provided the utopian wrecking ball keeps swinging to clear the way for the New World Order.

    H G Wells – The Flipping Fabian

    H G Wells – The Flipping Fabian

    Time will tell.

  3. craigm350 says:

    They keep telling us we face a Dark Winter, in which case there has always been a solution 🤣

    Wishing you all here a wonderful seasonal festive time. It may be dark now but the light never truly fades.

  4. craigm350 says:

    Tim an interesting interview with Patrick M Wood I highlighted a wee while ago bears a listen. Ties together many themes we find surfacing in these times.

    “From Day one, Global Warming and Global Cooling is a made up social engineering programme” @JamesDelingpole speaks to Patrick M Wood about the Great Reset

  5. malagabay says:

    Patrick M Wood
    The James Delingpole Channel
    24 Nov 2020

    Patrick Wood: Technocracy Rising

  6. malagabay says:

    SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A record 621 people died of drug overdoses in San Francisco so far this year, a staggering number that far outpaces the 173 deaths from COVID-19 the city has seen thus far.

    Overdose deaths far outpace COVID-19 deaths in San Francisco
    SFGATE – 19 Dec 2020

  7. malagabay says:

    Dr. Anthony Fauci, the epidemiologist revered almost religiously as a hero by mainstream media outlets and Democrat politicians, has admitted that he lied to Americans to manipulate their acceptance of a new Covid-19 vaccine.

    The intentional deception involved estimates for what percentage of the population will need to be immunized to achieve herd immunity against Covid-19 and enable a return to normalcy.

    Earlier this year, Fauci said 60-70 percent – a typical range for such a virus – but he moved the goalposts to 70-75 percent in television interviews about a month ago. Last week, he told CNBC that the magic number would be around “75, 80, 85 percent.

    RT – 25 Dec 2020

    Maybe you have some sense that something fishy is going on?


    If it’s not one thing, it’s another.

    Coronavirus lived on surfaces until it didn’t.

    Masks didn’t work until they did, then they did not.

    There is asymptomatic transmission, except there isn’t.

    Lockdowns work to control the virus except they do not.

    All these people are sick without symptoms until, whoops, PCR tests are wildly inaccurate because they were never intended to be diagnostic tools.

    Everyone is in danger of the virus except they aren’t.

    It spreads in schools except it doesn’t.

    On it goes.


    It’s no wonder that so many people have stopped believing anything that “public health authorities” say.

    In combination with governors and other autocrats doing their bidding, they set out to take away freedom and human rights and expected us to thank them for saving our lives.

    At some point this year (for me it was March 12) life began feeling like a dystopian novel of your choice.

    Well, now I have another piece of evidence to add to the mile-high pile of fishy mess.

    The World Health Organization, for reasons unknown, has suddenly changed its definition of a core conception of immunology: herd immunity.

    It has literally changed the science in a Soviet-like way.

    It has removed with the delete key any mention of natural immunities from its website.

    It has taken the additional step of actually mischaracterizing the structure and functioning of vaccines.

    WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website
    AIER – Jeffrey A. Tucker – 23 Dec 2020

  8. Yry says:

    Let’s wish us all more great reads from Tim in the years to come!

    – Off topic:
    I have a serious preoccupation with the site ‘’ operated by
    his founder ‘caddx’ (specialist in ancient and resuscitated Electrics
    and modern Electrics as well).
    Well, ‘caddx’ has vanished somehow for the past 8 months or so.
    His site is still running but without new articles since and his page
    about ~ 50 rare downloadable books is there but without the books…

    What happened to him??
    If anyone knows, please tell us.

    Cheers to all.

  9. Boris Tabaksplatt says:

    Happy Christmas, Tim and all your readers. And a big thanks for all the work you put into applying critical thought to events past and present.

    I don’t think what is happening today is anything extraordinary, or new. What’s going on follows a regular pattern, which has repeated throughout history…

    Every 100 years or so there is a protracted period of low solar activity.
    This results in a period where plague,apparently, besets humanity – resulting in social and economic collapse. Not sure what the mechanism is, but I wonder if it could be that atmospheric oxygen levels have reduced – the symptoms of our current ConVid-19 illness do seem very similar to altitude sickness? Unfortunately, I can’t think of a mechanism for how this could happen.

    The recovery comes when ideas and inventions from the previous century come to fruition, with new industries, energy sources and new ways of doing things. Social structures change and the behaviour of individuals changes in response.

    The Powers That Be have been around for very, very long time and are well aware of the 100 years problem. This allows them to plan the changes needed to fuel the ensuing economic boom. This ‘boom’ then keeps the system operating relatively smoothly, until the next period of low solar activity triggers the next constructed crisis. And so life goes on.

  10. Boris Tabaksplatt says:

    Came across this paper which clearly demonstrates wearing face masks is futile, and possibly harmful.

    ‘Are masks effective at preventing transmission of respiratory pathogens?’
    “In this meta-analysis [of 42 peer reviewed papers], face masks were found to have no detectable effect against transmission of viral infections. It found: “Compared to no masks, there was no reduction of influenza-like illness cases or influenza for masks in the general population, nor in healthcare workers….”

    Full text of study here, complete with citations…

  11. Boris Tabaksplatt says:

    An interesting NY Times article from 2007,shows how the current Covid-19 epidemic could be an artefact of using quick testing methods, like RT-PCR…

    ‘ Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t ‘
    “…Not a single case of whooping cough was confirmed with the definitive test, growing the bacterium, Bordetella pertussis, in the laboratory. Instead, it appears the health care workers probably were afflicted with ordinary respiratory diseases like the common cold…”

    Interestingly this event took place just before the minimum of solar cycles 23/24.

  12. Boris Tabaksplatt says:

    Sorry Tim, forgot to include the link to the article…

  13. malagabay says:

    Dr. Hossein Sadrzadeh, a hematology oncology fellow at Boston Medical Center, was given the drug on Christmas Eve.

    The health care worker, who has a severe shellfish allergy, said his heart began to race after taking the vaccine.

    Initially, he thought his increased heart rate was due to anxiety he had about the jab, stemming from reports of serious medical episodes occurring after people with allergies were injected with Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine.

    However, he soon realized that he was suffering from something far more dangerous.

    Within minutes, Sadrzadeh’s tongue and throat began to tingle and go numb, a reaction that he associated with his shellfish allergy.

    Even more concerning, his blood pressure then dipped so low that it wasn’t even detectable with a monitor.

    Luckily, the doctor had brought his own EpiPen, which he administered on himself before hospital staff rushed him to the emergency room.

    Boston doctor says he almost had to be INTUBATED after suffering severe allergic reaction from Moderna Covid vaccine – – 26 Dec 2020

  14. malagabay says:

    Testimony of Pierre Kory, MD
    Homeland Security Committee Meeting: Focus on Early Treatment of COVID-19
    December 8, 2020

    Dr. Pierre Kory Senate Testimony On Early COVID-19 Treatments
    SenatorRonJohnson – 9 Dec 2020

    Dr. Pierre Kory, Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center in Milwaukee, testified December 8, 2020 at the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

    00:00 i didn’t think i’d have to say this but
    00:01 i want to register my offense
    00:03 at the ranking member’s opening
    00:05 statement i was discredited as a
    00:06 politician
    00:08 i am a physician and a man of science i
    00:10 have done nothing
    00:12 nothing but commit myself to scientific
    00:14 truth and the care of patients
    00:16 and and to hear that i’m here because of
    00:18 a political angle i am not a politician
    00:20 i’m a physician
    00:22 i want to start out by saying that
    00:25 i’m not speaking as an individual i’m
    00:28 speaking on behalf
    00:29 of the organization that i’m a part of
    00:32 we are a group
    00:33 of some of the most highly published
    00:35 physicians in the world
    00:37 we have near 2000 peer-reviewed
    00:39 publications among us
    00:40 led by dr professor paul marrick who’s
    00:43 our
    00:44 intellectual leader we came together
    00:46 early on in the pandemic and all we have
    00:49 sought is to review the world’s
    00:50 literature on
    00:51 every facet of this disease trying to
    00:53 develop effective protocols
    00:55 you just mentioned that i was here in
    00:57 may
    00:58 and i touted i wouldn’t say i
    01:00 recommended
    01:01 that it was critical that we use
    01:03 corticosteroids in this disease
    01:04 when all of the national and
    01:06 international healthcare organizations
    01:08 said we cannot use those that turned out
    01:11 to be a life-saving recommendation i am
    01:14 here again today
    01:15 with a new recommendation in the last
    01:17 nine months in our review of all of the
    01:19 literature
    01:20 as a group again we are some of the most
    01:22 highly published
    01:24 physicians in our specialty and the
    01:26 world
    01:27 we have done nothing but try to figure
    01:30 out
    01:31 how to identify a repurposed and
    01:34 available drug to treat this illness
    01:37 we have now come to the conclusion
    01:40 after nine months and i have to point
    01:43 out
    01:44 i am severely troubled by the fact that
    01:46 the nih the fda and the cdc i do not
    01:49 know of any task force
    01:50 that was assigned or compiled to review
    01:53 repurposed drugs
    01:54 in an attempt to treat this disease
    01:57 everything has been about
    01:59 novel and or expensive pharmaceutically
    02:02 engineered drugs
    02:03 things like tosalyzumab and rendezvous
    02:05 and monoclonal antibodies and vaccines
    02:08 we have hundred years of medicine
    02:10 development we know
    02:11 we are expert in all the medicines we
    02:13 use and i do not know of a task force
    02:15 that has been focused on repurposed
    02:17 drugs i will tell you
    02:18 that my group and our organization i
    02:21 will say
    02:22 that we have filled that void we that is
    02:25 all we have done
    02:26 is focus on the things we know and
    02:27 things we do
    02:29 and i’m here to tell you dr reiter he
    02:32 just presented
    02:33 it was one he has one study of the many
    02:36 that i want to talk about
    02:37 and i want to talk about that we have a
    02:39 solution to this crisis
    02:41 there is a drug that is proving to be of
    02:45 miraculous impact and when i say miracle
    02:47 i do not use that term lightly
    02:49 and i don’t want to be sensationalized
    02:51 when i say that that is a scientific
    02:52 recommendation based on
    02:54 mountains of data that has emerged in
    02:56 the last three months
    02:58 when i am told and i just had to hear
    03:00 this in the opening sentence
    03:02 that we are touting things that are not
    03:05 fda or nih recommended let me be clear
    03:09 the nih their recommendation on
    03:11 evermechtin which is to not use it
    03:13 outside of controlled trials
    03:15 is from august 27th we are now in
    03:19 december
    03:19 this is three to four months later
    03:22 mountains of data have emerged from
    03:24 all from many centers and countries
    03:25 around the world showing
    03:27 the miraculous effectiveness of
    03:29 ivermectin
    03:30 it basically obliterates transmission of
    03:34 this virus
    03:35 if you take it you will not get sick i
    03:38 want to briefly summarize
    03:40 the data my manuscript again published
    03:42 by some
    03:43 of the the the most con we have
    03:45 contributed more to the medical
    03:47 knowledge of our specialty
    03:48 in our careers than anyone else can
    03:51 claim as a group
    03:52 and our manuscript which was posted on
    03:54 medicine preprint server
    03:55 details all of this evidence i want to
    03:58 briefly summarize it number one
    04:00 we have evidence that ivermectin is
    04:02 effective not only
    04:04 in prophylaxis in the prevention if you
    04:07 take it you will not get sick
    04:08 we just came across a trial last night
    04:12 from argentina by the lead investigator
    04:14 of ivan benton in argentina
    04:15 dr hector carvajal they prophylaxised
    04:18 800 health care workers
    04:21 not one got sick in the 400 that they
    04:23 did in prophylaxis ivermectin
    04:25 58 got sucked 237 of those 400 got sick
    04:29 if you take it you will not get sick it
    04:31 has immense and potent antiviral
    04:34 activity
    04:34 we know that from the first study of
    04:36 monash it has made the bench to the
    04:38 bedside
    04:39 prophylaxis we now have four
    04:42 large randomized control trials totaling
    04:45 over
    04:46 1500 patients each trial showing that as
    04:50 a prophylaxis agent it is
    04:51 immensely effective you will not get
    04:53 sick you will be protected
    04:55 from getting ill if you take it in early
    04:58 outpatient treatment
    04:59 we have three randomized control trials
    05:01 and multiple observation as well as case
    05:04 series
    05:04 showing that if you take ivermectin the
    05:07 need for hospitalization
    05:08 and death will decrease the most
    05:11 profound evidence we have is in the
    05:13 hospitalized patients
    05:14 we have four randomized control trials
    05:16 there multiple observation trials
    05:18 all showing the same thing you will not
    05:20 die
    05:21 or you will die at much much much lower
    05:23 rates statistically significant large
    05:25 magnitude results if you take ivermectin
    05:28 it is proving to be a wonder drug it has
    05:31 already won the nobel prize in medicine
    05:33 in 2015 for its impacts on global health
    05:36 in the eradication of parasitic diseases
    05:38 it is proving to be
    05:39 an immensely powerful antiviral and
    05:42 anti-inflammatory agent it is
    05:44 critical for its use in this disease we
    05:47 again stand by our manuscript it is a
    05:49 scientific major it’s been submitted for
    05:51 peer review
    05:52 but please recognize peer review takes
    05:55 time
    05:55 it takes months we do not have months we
    05:58 have a hundred thousand patients in the
    05:59 hospital right now dying i’m a lung
    06:01 specialist i’m an isu specialist i’ve
    06:03 cared for more dying covert patients
    06:05 than anyone
    06:06 can imagine they’re dying because they
    06:08 can’t breathe
    06:09 they can’t breathe they’re on high flow
    06:11 oxygen delivery devices they’re on
    06:13 non-invasive ventilators
    06:14 and or they’re sedated and paralyzed and
    06:16 attached to mechanical ventilators that
    06:18 breathe
    06:18 for them and i watch them every day they
    06:21 die
    06:21 by the time they get me in the icu
    06:24 they’re already dying they’re almost
    06:25 impossible to recover
    06:26 early treatment is key we need to
    06:29 offload the hospitals
    06:30 we are tired i can’t keep doing this
    06:34 if you look at my manuscript and if i
    06:36 have to go back to work next week
    06:37 any further deaths are going to be
    06:39 needless deaths and i
    06:41 cannot be traumatized by that i cannot
    06:43 keep caring for patients
    06:45 when i know that they could have been
    06:46 saved with earlier treatment and that
    06:48 drug
    06:49 that will treat them and prevent the
    06:50 hospitalization is ivermectin
    06:52 this is i am here today i’m calling to
    06:55 action
    06:55 the nih their last recommendation was
    06:57 august 27th
    06:59 august 27th i want to be clear
    07:03 i am not here as a politician or a
    07:05 dramatist or
    07:06 sensationalizing what i’m recommending
    07:09 i’m going to be
    07:10 very clear and very simple all i ask
    07:13 is for the nih to review our data that
    07:16 we’ve compiled of
    07:17 all of the emerging data we have almost
    07:19 30 studies everyone is reliably and
    07:21 reproducibly
    07:22 positive showing the dramatic impacts of
    07:25 ivermectin
    07:27 please i’m just asking that they review
    07:29 our manuscript it is a serious
    07:31 manuscript
    07:32 by serious highly experienced physicians
    07:35 and researchers we we have
    07:38 i cannot call on more credibility than
    07:41 we have we’re not just a a random doctor
    07:43 who’s saying that we have a cure
    07:45 i don’t want to say i have a cure i’m
    07:46 just asking review our data
    07:49 we have immense amounts of data to show
    07:51 that ivermectin must be
    07:53 implemented and implemented now senator
    07:55 the last thing i want to say is
    07:57 you know who’s dying here
    08:01 it’s it’s our african-american and
    08:02 latino and elderly
    08:04 it’s some of the most disadvantaged and
    08:05 impoverished members of our society
    08:08 they are dying at higher rates than
    08:10 anyone else it’s the most
    08:12 it’s it’s the most severe discrepancy
    08:14 i’ve seen in my medical career
    08:16 and we are responsible to protect those
    08:19 disadvantaged members

    08:21 we have a special duty to provide
    08:23 counter measures
    08:24 the amount of evidence to show that
    08:26 ivormectin
    08:28 is life-saving and protective is so
    08:30 immense
    08:31 and the drug is so safe my colleagues
    08:33 have talked about it
    08:35 it must be instituted implemented i am
    08:37 asking the nih to review our data and
    08:39 come up with recommendations for society
    08:41 thank you

  15. malagabay says:

    From the palatial living room studios of The Corbett Report it’s the 4th Annual Fake News Awards. The boldest lies. The stupidest propaganda. The ugliest presstitution. Join James as he debunks the lies and shames the liars behind the biggest fake news stories of 2020. Who will take the Dino for the worst fake news story of the year? Watch and find out!

    The 4th Annual Fake News Awards!
    James Corbett – The Corbett Report

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