Pop Goes The Measles

It’s time to snap on the rubber gloves and delve into the measles headlines.

The Measles Headlines
In the US there have been more than 760 cases of measles reported in 2019.

Meanwhile, in the US, CDC officials have confirmed an additional 60 cases of measles have been diagnosed since late last month, bringing the total to more than 760, according to NBC News.

More Than 34,000 Measles Infections Recorded In Europe So Far This Year – Zero Hedge – Tyler Durden – 8 May 2019

This is more than a little embarrassing for the illustrious experts who somehow managed to imagine they had eliminated measles from the Americas.

As a result of widespread vaccination, the disease was declared eliminated from the Americas in 2016.

The United States was declared free of circulating measles in 2000, with 911 cases from 2001 to 2011. In 2014 the CDC said endemic measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome had not returned to the United States.


On the other side of the Atlantic it’s said Europe will clock up “more than 200,000” cases of measles in 2019 and it’s claimed “large gaps” in vaccination coverage in ”troubled areas” such as Ukraine, Albania and Romania are contributing to this significant rise in measles cases.

The WHO warned on Tuesday that Europe has recorded a total of 34,300 measles cases in 42 countries, putting the region on track to record more than 200,000 cases in 2019, more than double the roughly 80,000 cases reported last year, which was nearly triple the number of cases reported in 2017, according to Reuters.

Despite rising vaccination rates, the WHO said large gaps in coverage in troubled areas like Ukraine, Albania and Romania have contributed greatly to the outbreak.

More Than 34,000 Measles Infections Recorded In Europe So Far This Year – Zero Hedge – Tyler Durden – 8 May 2019

In 2013–14, there were almost 10,000 cases in 30 European countries. Most cases occurred in unvaccinated individuals and over 90% of cases occurred in Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, and United Kingdom.

In 2017, numbers continued to increase in Europe to 21,315 cases, with 35 deaths.

In preliminary figures for 2018, reported cases in the region increased 3-fold to 82,596 in 47 countries, with 72 deaths; Ukraine had the most cases (53,218), with the highest incidence rates being in Ukraine (1209 cases per million), Serbia (579), Georgia (564) and Albania (500).


To get some perspective on the predicted 200,000 plus cases of measles in Europe it’s worth noting the population of the WHO European Region in 2016 was deemed to be 916,315,000.



The 2019 European death toll from measles has reached a very unlucky 13 and most of these deaths have occurred in “troubled” Ukraine.

The death toll across the region has climbed to 13, with most of the deaths occurring in Ukraine.

More Than 34,000 Measles Infections Recorded In Europe So Far This Year – Zero Hedge – Tyler Durden – 8 May 2019

Death from measles was reported in approximately 0.2% of the cases in the United States from 1985 through 1992.

As with other complications of measles, the risk of death is highest among young children and adults.

Pneumonia accounts for about 60% of deaths. The most common causes of death are pneumonia in children and acute encephalitis in adults.

The Pink Book – Measles
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


To put these 13 measles deaths in the European Region into perspective there were 13 fatal industrial accidents involving “moving machinery” in the United Kingdom during 2017/18.


The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

Overall, the measles mortality rate appears to have halved in the last 25 years.

Data source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Measles#Europe

Death from measles was reported in approximately 0.2% of the cases in the United States from 1985 through 1992.

The Pink Book – Measles
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


However, the current European measles outbreak has emboldened one of Mother Merkel’s Ministers to announce his desire to fine parents who refuse to vaccinate their children.

Germany‘s Health Minister Jens Spahn wants to fine parents who refuse to vaccinate their children €2,500 ($2,800) in a bid to “eradicate measles,” according to an interview Spahn gave to Bild am Sonntag.

German Minister Wants To Fine Anti-Vax Parents Up To $2,800,
Mandate Compulsory Shots – Zero Hedge – Tyler Durden – 6 May 2019


Between October 2014 and March 2015, a measles outbreak in the German capital of Berlin resulted in at least 782 cases.


Risky masturbation kills 80 to 100 Germans a year, claims a Brandenburg physician who is shining a light on the unpredictable and often clandestine killer.

Dr. Harald Voss estimates that one to two people per one million inhabitants are killed by risky masturbation techniques annually, all of them in search of an elevated experience that the vast majority already deem quite satisfactory.

Asphyxiation is cited as the most common form of masturbation death, says Voss, along with electric shock, however it’s difficult to get a truly accurate reading of just how many people have lost their lives this way… for a number of reasons.

Masturbation is killing up to 100 Germans a year, warns forensic physician
RT.com – 7 Feb, 2018



This is the point in the official narrative where I fail to follow the logic.

According to the mainstream:

If you are vaccinated against measles then you are protected.

Therefore, if you’re worried about measles: Get vaccinated – end of story!

So why do the vaccine believers force their belief system onto others?

Trying to answer that question is a very strange journey.

Before The Measles Vaccine
One of the most important points to note is that the deadly scourge of measles was largely eliminated in developed nations long before vaccinations were introduced.

It wasn’t long ago when infections plagued the Western world. Smallpox, scarlet fever, measles, typhoid, diphtheria, whooping cough, and other diseases were once considered a tragic part of life. Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in the deaths from all these infectious diseases, decreasing by the mid-1900s to very low levels. The elimination of these diseases is one of the most amazing, yet unsung, public health revolutions in history.


Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s.

The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more.

Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths.

But is this really true?

Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources.

Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.

If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?”

Perhaps the best reason to know our history is so that the worst parts are never repeated.

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History
Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1480216895
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1480216895

Dr. Jayne Donegan

In the UK, measles used to occur in epidemics about every two years starting in the autumn with the peak being in April and then waning for another two years.

In the nineteenth century when social conditions – malnutrition, poor housing, drinking water contaminated with sewage – were similar to those in poorer countries today, it used to be a feared killer here also.

But all that changed long ago.

Dr Jayne Donegan – Measles Outbreaks


It’s also important to remember that contracting measles provides lifelong immunity.

Measles is extremely contagious but infection results in lifelong immunity, so its continued circulation in a community depends on the generation of susceptible hosts by birth of children.

In communities which generate insufficient new hosts the disease will die out.


In fact:

Before the measles vaccine was available over 90% of 15 year olds were immune.

Before a vaccine was available, infection with measles virus was nearly universal during childhood, and more than 90% of persons were immune by age 15 years.

The Pink Book – Measles
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


A pox party is a social activity where children are deliberately exposed to an infectious disease. Such parties were done before vaccines were available to, “get it over with,” or because it was believed childhood disease would be less severe than disease as an adult. For example, measles is more dangerous to adults than to children over 5 years old.


After decades of medical intervention the vaccine coverage rate in Europe is still below the natural level of herd immunity achieved before the measles vaccine arrived.

The previous year (2017) saw an estimated measles vaccine coverage of 95% for the first dose and 90% for the second dose in the region, the latter figure being the highest-ever estimated second-dose coverage.



In terms of European herd immunity the measles vaccination program is proving to be a futile utopian dream.


The “side effects” associated with the injected measles “vaccine” suggest it’s a riskier and less enjoyable substitute for a pox party.

Common side effects of the MMR vaccine
About a week to 11 days after the MMR injection,
some children get a very mild form of measles.

Rare side effects of the MMR vaccine
Bruise-like spots … Seizures (fits) … Allergic reaction…

NHS – Vaccinations – MMR Vaccine Side Effects

The Government reported that the campaign had averted an estimated 170 cases of measles; that is, not dangerous cases requiring hospitalisation, just cases of illness.

Typically 170 measles cases would include just one or two so serious that they required hospitalisation.

But doctors had reported over 2,500 cases of illness as possibly side effects of this campaign, with over 500 of these so serious that the child had to be admitted to hospital!

Since UK government research shows doctors typically only report one in ten cases of possible side effects, since most will presume vaccines to be harmless, these results meant that the MR vaccination campaign had resulted in up to 25,000 cases of illness potentially caused by vaccination, with over 500 in hospital – as against an estimated 170 cases of measles avoided.

Fear of the Invisible – Janine Roberts – 2008
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0955917727
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0955917727

See footnotes for more information.

It appears nobody is tracking “vaccine” induced measles cases.




It seems very irresponsible to inject under 5s with a “vaccine” that commonly causes measles when it’s the under 5s that experience the most measles complications.


The MMR vaccine is a vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella (German measles). The first dose is generally given to children around 9 to 15 months of age, with a second dose at 15 months to 6 years of age, with at least 4 weeks between the doses. After two doses, 97% of people are protected against measles, 88% against mumps, and at least 97% against rubella.


In conclusion, vaccinated homeschool children were found to have a higher rate of allergies and NDD [neurodevelopmental disorders] than unvaccinated homeschool children.

Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6-to 12-year-old U.S. children. Mawson, Anthony & D Ray, Brian & R Bhuiyan, Azad & Jacob, Binu. (2017). Journal of Translational Science. 3. 1-12. 10.15761/JTS.1000186.

See footnotes for more information.


In terms of overall health care the statistics suggest measles vaccinations simply waste human and financial resources that could very usefully be directed into other areas of medicine.

For example:

Of the 28,902 under 5 fatalities reported in the US during 2010 exactly zero deaths were caused by measles.



And it’s unclear how many deaths are caused by the measles “vaccine”.

On April 23, 2008, four children died soon after receiving measles vaccine stored in ice boxes in vaccination camps in two villages in Thiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu.

As per parents and other eye witnesses, all children developed frothing at the mouth, drooping of the head, rolling of eye balls and died within 15 – 20 minutes of vaccination.

The incidence of anaphylactic or severe allergic reactions to vaccines is very low, less than one case per million vaccine doses.

The cause of the reaction is usually not the immunizing antigen itself, but rather some other vaccine ingredient such as egg protein from the production process or gelatin added as a stabilizer.

Toxic shock syndrome has been reported in the past as a cause of serious adverse events and even death following vaccination with measles vaccine.

Measles Vaccine Deaths – Y K Amdekar and Tanu Singhal
Indian Pediatrics – Volume 45 – 17 June 2008


Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death. … symptoms typically come on over minutes to hours. Common causes include insect bites and stings, foods, and medications.


Perhaps Regulatory Capture should be classified as a cause of death.

Regulatory capture is a form of government failure which occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or political concerns of special interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.

When regulatory capture occurs, the interests of firms, organizations, or political groups are prioritized over the interests of the public, leading to a net loss for society.


Vaccine Verification
Trying to establish the efficacy of the measles vaccine is a surreal experience.

On the one hand:

After all these decades it’s only assumed the measles vaccine is 99% effective.

Vaccine effectiveness is assumed to be 99%.

Measles Vaccination Coverage and Cases among Vaccinated Persons – Christian L Althaus and Marcel Salathé
Emerging Infectious Diseases – Vol 21(8) – August 2015


On the other hand:

It’s claimed the measles vaccine “can prevent infection in up to 99% of persons”.

Measles vaccine is highly effective, and analyses of a large measles outbreak at a school in Germany have shown that receipt of >1 doses of vaccine can prevent infection in up to 99% of persons.

Measles Vaccination Coverage and Cases among Vaccinated Persons – Christian L Althaus and Marcel Salathé
Emerging Infectious Diseases – Vol 21(8) – August 2015


Unsurprisingly, given this confusion, the measles vaccine is known to fail.

Relationship between vaccination coverage with >1 doses and the proportion of measles case-patients who had been vaccinated. The observed numbers of vaccinated case-patients can be used to infer the vaccination coverage for different populations. Of 62 (21.0%) measles case-patients with known vaccination status in California, USA, 13 had received >1 doses (6). Of 230 (13.0%) case-patients with known vaccination status in the United States during January–May 2014, a total of 30 had received >1 doses. Vaccine effectiveness is assumed to be 99%. The shaded areas for the countries of the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA), and Switzerland correspond to the 95% CIs. 95% CIs are omitted for California and the United States because of the small sample sizes.

Measles Vaccination Coverage and Cases among Vaccinated Persons – Christian L Althaus and Marcel Salathé
Emerging Infectious Diseases – Vol 21(8) – August 2015


In fact:

A measles vaccine failure rate as high as 70% has been reported.

An outbreak of measles occurred in a high school with a documented vaccination level of 98 per cent.

Nineteen (70 per cent) of the cases were students who had histories of measles vaccination at 12 months of age or older and are therefore considered vaccine failures.

Measles Outbreak in a Vaccinated School Population
B M Nkowane, S W Bart, W A Orenstein, and M Baltier
American Journal of Public Health – Volume 77(4) – April 1987


The very curious aspect of measles vaccine failures is that the failure rate trend reaches 100% when the vaccination coverage rate reaches 100%.

In other words:

The failure data supports the view measles vaccine is zero per cent effective.

Mutating Measles
The official measles narrative has a twist in it’s tail.

The mainstream claim there is only one strain of the measles virus.

There is only one antigenic type of measles virus.

The Pink Book – Measles
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


In other words:

The mainstream claims measles doesn’t mutate like an influenza virus.

Antigenic drift is a mechanism for variation in viruses that involves the accumulation of mutations within the genes that code for antibody-binding sites.

This results in a new strain of virus particles which cannot be inhibited as effectively by the antibodies that were originally targeted against previous strains, making it easier for the virus to spread throughout a partially immune population.

Antigenic drift occurs in both influenza A and influenza B viruses.


There are reasons to belief this mainstream claim is nonsense.

Firstly, studies have documented changes in the measles virus.

There is only one antigenic type of measles virus.

Although studies have documented changes in the H glycoprotein, these changes do not appear to be epidemiologically important (i.e., no change in vaccine efficacy has been observed).

The Pink Book – Measles
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Secondly, the mainstream believe “no change in vaccine efficacy” means it’s still 99% effective.

Unfortunately, the claimed “no change in vaccine efficacy” is entirely consistent with the view that the measles vaccine is zero per cent effective.

There is only one antigenic type of measles virus.

Although studies have documented changes in the H glycoprotein, these changes do not appear to be epidemiologically important
(i.e., no change in vaccine efficacy has been observed).

The Pink Book – Measles
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


Thirdly, some sources refer to a “very mild form of measles”.

Common side effects of the MMR vaccine
About a week to 11 days after the MMR injection,
some children get a very mild form of measles.

NHS – Vaccinations – MMR Vaccine Side Effects

And finally:

Outbreak reports suggest new strains of measles are arriving from abroad.

Outbreaks are still occurring, however, following importations of measles viruses from other world regions.

In June 2006, an outbreak in Boston resulted after a resident became infected in India.


The CDC declared an outbreak in New Jersey in late 2018. 30 of the 33 confirmed cases were in Ocean County. It was determined that measles was contracted by a person who traveled to Israel and spread the virus upon returning to New Jersey.


The United States has recorded a whopping 695 cases of measles in 22 states, its largest outbreak since public health officials in 2000 declared the disease “eradicated” apparently rather prematurely. All new cases since the eradication declaration have come from foreign travelers.

All You Need To Know About The US Measles Outbreak
Zero Hedge – Tyler Durden – 29 April 2019


The Bottom Line
If you like your measles vaccinations then you can keep your vaccinations.


If you don’t like your measles vaccinations then be prepared for some emotionally charged and economically truthful authoritarian push-back from the well financed Measles Mafia who’ll say they wouldn’t like anything unfortunate to happen to you or your children. Capiche?

Stated differently:

Readers should review the evidence and decide for themselves which side of the measles vaccination debate Dr. Strangelove MD is working for.

+ + + + Footnotes + + + + Footnotes + + + + Footnotes + + + +

Vaxxed: https://vaxxedthemovie.com/

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaxxed

Dr. Andrew Wakefield Deals With Allegations – CinemaLibre

VaxXed Stories: The ER Doctor in Seattle – AutismMediaChannel

+ + + + +

Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed: “Children Who Are Unvaccinated Are Extremely Healthy”

+ + + + +

This study aimed 1) to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children on a broad range of health outcomes, and 2) to determine whether an association found between vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), if any, remained significant after adjustment for other measured factors.

A cross-sectional study of mothers of children educated at home was carried out in collaboration with homeschool organizations in four U.S. states: Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oregon.

Mothers were asked to complete an anonymous online questionnaire on their 6-to 12-year-old biological children with respect to pregnancy-related factors, birth history, vaccinations, physician-diagnosed illnesses, medications used, and health services.

NDD, a derived diagnostic measure, was defined as having one or more of the following three closely-related diagnoses: a learning disability, Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

A convenience sample of 666 children was obtained, of which 261 (39%) were unvaccinated.

The vaccinated were less likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with chickenpox and pertussis, but more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and NDD.

After adjustment, vaccination, male gender, and preterm birth remained significantly associated with NDD. However, in a final adjusted model with interaction, vaccination but not preterm birth remained associated with NDD, while the interaction of preterm birth and vaccination was associated with a 6.6-fold increased odds of NDD (95% CI: 2.8, 15.5).

In conclusion, vaccinated homeschool children were found to have a higher rate of allergies and NDD [neurodevelopmental disorders] than unvaccinated homeschool children.

While vaccination remained significantly associated with NDD after controlling for other factors, preterm birth coupled with vaccination was associated with an apparent synergistic increase in the odds of NDD.

Further research involving larger, independent samples and stronger research designs is needed to verify and understand these unexpected findings in order to optimize the impact of vaccines on children’s health.

Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6-to 12-year-old U.S. children. Mawson, Anthony & D Ray, Brian & R Bhuiyan, Azad & Jacob, Binu. (2017).
Journal of Translational Science. 3. 1-12. 10.15761/JTS.1000186.

+ + + + +

The Vaccine Papers – Janine Roberts – 2010
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FGL7Q7M
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01FGL7Q7M

This book takes its readers on a journey into the very heart of the hunt for viruses – to the key experiments originally performed to prove that these invisibly small particles are the cause of diseases previously blamed on toxins or bacteria and into the latest research.

It sheds light on the extraordinary assumptions that underlay much of this research – and on the vaccines that developed from this.

The author, an investigative journalist who has researched and produced investigative films for the BBC, American and Australian television, was asked by parents with children severely ill after vaccination, to discover if the medical authorities were hiding anything from them.

She agreed, but had no idea how long this search would take.

She expected at best to uncover a small degree of contamination.

On the ensuing decade-long journey of discovery, she learnt it is not just the added mercury that we have to worry about.

She discovered that the top government scientists admit to colleagues that vaccines are contaminated with viruses from chickens, humans and monkeys, with RNA and DNA fragments, with ‘cellular degradation products’, and possibly ‘oncogenes and prions.’

They report alarmingly that it is impossible to commercially purify vaccines.

They express great concerns, but the public is not told despite the possible consequences for long-term public health.

A recent US court decision has linked autism with vaccine contamination.

The author cites her sources by name – and gives references and Internet links where they are available.

She reveals evidence that the World Health Organisation has discovered the MMR vaccine is contaminated with chicken leukosis virus, but has decided not to tell the public of this, and to continue to make the vaccine with eggs from contaminated chickens.

She reports US biowarfare researchers tried to create new agents to destroy our immune systems – and worked on a bacterium to make it a hospital superbug.

Did they manage to create HIV?

A senior professor told her that the vaccine program was so contaminated that HIV might well have spread though it without any need for military intervention.

She set out to find the evidence to resolve this, and to learn how HIV apparently spread so far and fast.

She needed to know more about this virus so went to the foundation research widely held today to have found HIV and proved it caused AIDS.

She was then rocked to discover that this same research was investigated for scientific fraud for a five year period by powerful US scientific institutions and by Congress.

Why is this not widely known?

She found their reports and discovered they found major errors in this research, some so serious that these made it impossible to repeat these experiments and thus to verify them!

She reveals the evidence unearthed – reproducing key documents so the reader can assess them for themselves.

This is explosive material.

In the final part of this book the author reports recent research that is revolutionising biology and offering much hope for the future.

These new developments shed new light on the relationships between our cells and viruses.

They are not necessarily enemies.

Readers may find these new developments radically change the ideas they have held about viruses since childhood.

This book has over 500 references and includes several documents unearthed under Freedom of Information legislation.

It has a scientific glossary and is fully indexed.

Fear of the Invisible – Janine Roberts – 2008
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0955917727
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0955917727

+ + + + +

Extract from the first chapter of Fear of the Invisible

Trouble with MMR

A measles epidemic loomed – or did it?
How fear was used to motivate parents

Like most of us, I had never thought to question why viruses are such a terrible threat to us – despite friends dying of AIDS in the 1980s. Medical matters were safe in the hands of medical authorities – or so I presumed up until recent years. Viruses I had learnt were horrible germs, invading, hijacking, competing with us for life – but in truth I knew little about them.

Other issues then absorbed me as an investigative journalist. When President Ronald Reagan’s Administration announced the discovery of HIV in 1984, calling it a great ‘triumph of US science’, I was out in the deserts of Australia making a film about the Aboriginal struggle for justice and land. When Oprah Winfrey predicted that a million Americans would soon die of AIDS, I was helping expose secret links between the Reagan Administration and Iran’s Ayatollahs. When the US Government failed to keep its promise to soon have a vaccine for HIV, I was making a series for television about the worldwide diamond industry that led to an invitation to testify about blood diamonds at an US Congressional Hearing

But out of the blue in 1994 I received a phone call from a parent asking for help. Her apparently healthy baby had become severely brain damaged within days of having a Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) injection. She wondered if the vaccine had played a role in this. If it had, I thought it must be a rare side effect. Well, this was not my normal area of expertise, but I had some skills in document retrieval and logical analysis, so I set to work to discover what I could, but with no great expectations.

Shortly after this, the UK government’s Department of Health issued a series of terrifying national emergency health warnings, stating there would ‘definitely’ soon be a deadly measles epidemic infecting between 100,000 and 200,000 British children and that ‘around 50 children, mostly of secondary school age, would die’ – that is, if all children ‘between 5 and 15′ were not immediately revaccinated. This panicked both parents and children. Those with children of 4 or 16 besieged the Health Services, begging for their children to be also revaccinated lest they might die,

During the following nation-wide vaccination program for measles and rubella, the normal safeguards were suspended. The requirement that only a doctor should give the rubella vaccine was lifted, as also was the requirement to tell girls of childbearing age of the danger the rubella vaccine carries for any unborn child. Not warning them would be faster – and not using doctors cheaper. It was justified because of the predicted oncoming deadly measles epidemic.

I applauded this campaign. It was a sign that our health authorities were ready to nip any danger in the bud. But then I read that a Dr Richard Nicholson, the Editor of the prestigious ‘Bulletin of Medical Ethics’, was highly critical. He said there were no emergency and no need to panic families. I went to see him to discover why.

He explained; ‘There was no talk of an impending measles epidemic a year ago. On the contrary, the leading UK government scientists reported that measles was practically extinct, that nearly everyone in England was now immune to measles.’

‘But,’ I asked, ‘Why then did they call for this campaign?’

He explained that the World Health Organisation (WHO) was trying to drive the measles virus into extinction and that governments were competing for the honour of being the first country to achieve this. This lead to UK Government scientists publishing a year ago a paper saying that, to fulfil the WHO target, they must find a way to motivate a population no longer scared of measles into having an extra vaccination. This paper did not predict an epidemic – but the very reverse. It said nearly everyone was already immune.

Dr. Nicholson thus could not find any proof that a major measles epidemic was immanent. He told me that the government’s estimate of up to 50 deaths in an impending epidemic was based on an ‘improper use of statistics.’

I went out to interview an author of the above paper, a Dr Elizabeth Miller, at the major Government medical research centre in Colindale, a London suburb, and asked her why was the government predicting that up to 50 might die of measles?

She replied: ‘We were faced with an unprecedented crisis. Before the development of vaccines, there was no risk for measles in our schools. All school children were immune to measles for life, but this is no longer true.’

I was perplexed and asked ‘Why are these children now more vulnerable?’ I had presumed MMR gave our school children a protection they did not have before.

She explained that the vaccine uses a measles virus that is weakened, ‘attenuated’ so it won’t give measles, but this also meant it was to weak to give a guaranteed ‘life-long immunity.’ In fact, the immunity it gave might not last more than five years. Thus children vaccinated in infancy might no longer be protected when still at school. So it was a trade-off – no measles as infants – and more vulnerability to measles in later life. This seemed reasonable, but I still needed to know how vulnerable this had left our older children. I asked again how they worked out that 50 children might die in the predicted epidemic?

She explained: ‘This unprecedented new situation has forced us to adopt a mathematical model with a wide range of variables. This predicts deaths in the range of none to fifty.’

I was astonished. A range of 0 to 50 did not make 50 deaths likely. It was merely one end of a speculative range. Their prediction was based on unproven ‘unprecedented’ facts. This told us nothing. No wonder Dr Nicholson had scathingly reported both ‘statistical manipulation’ and scaremongering.

A World Health Organisation ‘virus extermination’ goal had thus led to UK government virologists organising a fear-based campaign that frightened children and parents to achieve its ends. I hoped similar tactics were not being employed around the world. It also seemed totally unrealistic. The UK might be an island nation – but it has millions of visitors every year, every one of who could reintroduce the virus.

………………………… … from later on in the same chapter….

I then arranged for questions to be asked in the UK Parliament – hoping this way to get some facts. I asked how many cases of measles the health authorities believed their campaign had averted – and how many cases of illness suspected to result from these vaccinations had been reported by doctors to the government.

I was amazed by the answer.

The Government reported that the campaign had averted an estimated 170 cases of measles; that is, not dangerous cases requiring hospitalisation, just cases of illness.

Typically 170 measles cases would include just one or two so serious that they required hospitalisation.

But doctors had reported over 2,500 cases of illness as possibly side effects of this campaign, with over 500 of these so serious that the child had to be admitted to hospital!

Since UK government research shows doctors typically only report one in ten cases of possible side effects, since most will presume vaccines to be harmless, these results meant that the MR vaccination campaign had resulted in up to 25,000 cases of illness potentially caused by vaccination, with over 500 in hospital – as against an estimated 170 cases of measles avoided.

I knew the real figures were likely to be much worse, for the government had excluded from these statistics all possible cases where the illness developed slowly and all cases of illness during pregnancy that might have been caused by the rubella vaccine.

I wondered why so many side effects, so went to the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine to see if they had any explanation. They arranged for me to speak on the phone with their top expert in the US, Dr Maurice Hilleman, the internationally renowned specialist who developed the MMR vaccine.

I said to him ‘I understand this vaccine is made up of living viruses that you have so weakened so they will not make the child ill, but not so weakened that they will not give the child immunity. It must be difficult to so exactly weaken viruses?’

‘Exactly, you have hit the nail on the head.’ he replied.

I then queried, ‘Do you have any guidelines for doing this?’

‘Yes,’ he said, ‘Twenty percent.’

I did not understand this very brief answer so asked him to explain.

He replied: ‘If only 20% of the children fall ill from the vaccine, that is judged acceptable.’

When I gasped with surprise, he quickly added, ‘Oh I don’t mean seriously ill. Just lightly ill.’

I next interviewed the top British expert on immunisation at London University, Professor Michael Stewart of the School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. I asked him; ‘Some parents are telling me they suspect their children have been made ill as a consequence of vaccination. Are their fears groundless?’

I nearly fell off my chair when he replied: ‘What else would you expect? We all know the current childhood vaccines containing living viruses are dangerous. That is why I am heading up a team to develop safer vaccines.’ He went on to explain that, with living viruses, there was always potential for some to mutate or to be insufficiently attenuated for safe use in the vaccine.

I then interviewed some of the parents who believed their child had been damaged by the MR vaccination campaign in the UK.

Karen was the mother of a large family in Essex in eastern England. She was extremely proud of her 12-year-old son ‘Sam.’ Before this vaccination campaign he was ‘ridiculously healthy, He never had anything wrong with him, a part from some mild asthma, was doing well at school and loved football. He was an avid Spurs fan.’

But, when she received notice of the November inoculation campaign, she wrote asking if it would be safe for him, given his asthma and that another child of hers was epileptic? She was told not to worry. But: ‘Four weeks later, coming down the stairs, his knees suddenly gave way and he tumbled down. He kept on falling.’

She continued: ‘Sometimes, when I was talking to him, he would suddenly go blank. I accused him of being on drugs. Two months later we were in Great Ormond Street Children’s hospital where they tested him for every disease. Then one doctor said to me: “Has he been exposed to measles?” I said; “No, Sam has never had measles.” The doctor replied; “No, I meant, has he had a recent measles injection?” Then I clicked. All this had started after the vaccination.’
… and the story continues, detailing how many boys also fell severely ill from the rubella vaccine used..

Trouble with MMR – Extract from the first chapter of Fear of the Invisible

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MMR Contaminated – extract from Chapter 7 of Fear of the Invisible

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How ‘Measles Virus’ is isolated for a Vaccine – Extract from Fear of the Invisible

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6 Responses to Pop Goes The Measles

  1. cadxx says:

    Please feel free to delete this:
    The strategy of all governments throughout history has been to create problems and then appear to be doing something about them – “the war on drugs” is a good example. Such procedures cause more problems than they solve and the vaccine scam is a reshuffled version of the original idea. The perceived increase in population longevity is due to a more varied diet thanks to the introduction of supermarkets and the clean-up of dirty living and working conditions thanks to health and safety legislation. (This is now being reversed.) People don’t die of minor infections when they are well fed hence the present need for food banks. All vaccines were introduced when the infection was in sharp decline and the industry depends on Hollywood hype for support. Governments are not the answer to problems they ARE the problem.

  2. Tenuc says:

    Very good post, Tim, and a classic example of how us humans are easily fooled by the BIG LIE!

    Few years ago I did some research on the so-called facts behind the ‘success’ of the polio vaccine… Quelle surprise, just the same as in the case of the measles epidemic illustrated above, polio was in terminal decline before the vaccine was launched. Trillions being wasted on vaccines across the globe which would be better spent ensuring people have good nutrition, clean water and decent sanitation – all done to benefit the elites who own the big-pharma companies. Tragic!

  3. johnm33 says:

    Wow I thought it was bad but had no clue it was so deliberate. Something clicked whilst reading; there was a real change in the quality of young workers those born before 66 were mostly pretty good those born after 75 couldn’t take instruction and had to be nursed along a learning curve, something I’d always put down to a change in the education system, I wonder?
    As to increased longevity, Dr. Vernon Coleman says that’s all down to the reduction of childhood illnesses/deaths associated with appalling living conditions. More people live to old age, but they’re living no longer or healthier than previous generations, reading this makes me think it’s about to go into reverse.

  4. codetalker says:

    Well done article. Thank you.

    Here is a bit of info you may want to incorporate into the data you have posted:

    -FAIL: 26% Contract Measles Despite 2 or More Measles-Containing Vaccines, New Chinese Study Finds- http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/fail-26-contract-measles-despite-2-or-more-measles-containing-vaccines-new-chines

    -Outbreak of over 12,000 cases of measles in Ukraine is caused by recent vaccination campaign?!

  5. malagabay says:

    Thank you!
    Very interesting links.
    An associated article from Greenmedinfo.com articulates what I had come to suspect: Mass-vaccination undermines “herd immunity”.

    However, even 100% vaccination compliance can at best make only a quarter of the population become resistant to infection for more than ten years.

    This makes it apparent that stable herd immunity cannot be achieved via childhood vaccination in the long term regardless of the degree of vaccination compliance.

    The problem is, however, that the proportion of vaccinated but non-immune young adults is now growing, while the proportion of the older immune population is diminishing due to old age. Thus, over time mass vaccination makes us lose rather than gain cumulative immunity in the adult population.

    The medical establishment got it all in reverse: it is not vaccine-exempt children who endanger us all, it is the effects of prolonged mass-vaccination campaigns that have done so.

    Herd Immunity: Myth or Reality?
    Tetyana Obukhanych – 5th April 2014


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