Depths of Dating

Plumbing the Depths of Dating in Greenland and the Caribbean unravels the mysteries of The Last Ice Age and Radiocarbon Dating.

This entry was posted in Arabian Horizon, British History, Catastrophism, Dendrochronology, Deranged Dating, Edwin Johnson, Geology, Glaciology, Greenland, Greenland Snow Job, Halfway Horizon, Hecker Horizon, Heinsohn Horizon, History, Iceland, Inflating Earth, Leona Libby Chronology, Leona Libby Paper, Maunder Minimum, Monte Rosa, Ptolemy’s Paradigm, Radiocarbon Dating, Roman Chronology, Saints & Sinners, Science, Uniformitarianism, Varves. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Depths of Dating

  1. malagabay says:

    Updated to show the sampling regime below 1,550 metres.

    PDF Updated:

  2. Patrick Donnelly says:

    Welcome back!

    Typo: “The invention of the Glacial Period in 1939:” 1/3rd into great article

  3. Patrick Donnelly says:

    The “Sol Invictus orbit” model may be flawed? How do we get night and day in this model?

  4. malagabay says:

    ”How do we get night and day in this model?”

    In the same way as today.

    The difference during the “Sol Invictus orbit”:

    1) The long Northern Hemisphere winter night in the Arctic lasted about 500 years.

    2) The long Southern Hemisphere summer day in the Antarctic lasted about 500 years.

  5. Patrick Donnelly says:

    File:Wright–Molyneux Map.png – Wikipedia

  6. Patrick Donnelly says:

    Wikipedia Mercator_1569_world_map_sheet_numeral.PNG for more details

  7. Patrick Donnelly says:

    If there were a wobble, then the mid latitudes would have a less long day night cycle.

  8. Elfin says:

    A few typos:

    Southern Hemisphere being continuously tilted

    Below about 300 metres the GISP2 ice core sampling regime becomes more than

    As the depth of snow in a snow lake

    the distance between Iceland and Norway increased by about 4º of longitude

    9200 1,314 636 Arabian Horizon

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